In 2018 I completed my thruhike of the Pacific Crest Trail

(PCT) 2018

My PCT Thruhike

This corner of my website is basically just a boiled down version of the site I made specifically for my PCT adventure.

I just wanted to get all my travel info/stories in the same place so I decided to copy most of my old website over here.

Me And The PCT

I started the Me And The PCT website in 2017 and posted info about my progress through the year until April when I embarked on my amazing adventure.
Which is what you can read about in the posts on this page 🙂

After that everything continued on my Instagram and on my Youtube channel where I posted daily (almost) videos from the trail.

Most of the older posts are in Danish, but I will translate them at some point, so in the meantime you will have to make do with google translate 😉

All my videos from the PCT thruhike are in English though and you can watch them by clicking the beautiful banner below 😉

My story of The Pacific Crest Trail thruhike

watch my 2650 mile journey from Mexico to Canada.

Posts about The PCT

These are the posts about my planning, gearing up and thoughts up until I headed to the USA for my Pacific Crest Trail thruhike

Enjoy! 🙂

Pacific Crest Trail

Pacific Crest Trail

Press here for English Google translation Forberedelserne til Pacific Crest Trail har været igang siden Januar, og jeg mangler stadig…
Vandre tatovering

Vandre tatovering

Jeg skal da have en vandre tatovering, tænkte jeg – og selvfølgelig skal jeg det …eller jeg ved ikke om…
Vandre ordbog

Vandre ordbog

Som enhver anden hobby eller sport, er der en del ord som bliver brugt af folk som vandrer meget. Derfor…
The waiting game

The waiting game

Nu er jeg nået dertil i processen hvor “alle ting” er på plads, og the waiting game kan gå igang….
Det perfekte rejsekamera

Det perfekte rejsekamera

Det perfekte rejsekamera findes jo ikke 🙂 At vælge et kamera, er allerede under “normale” omstændigheder svært. Når du først…
De tabte kilo

De tabte kilo

Her er historien om Rod og de tabte kilo 🙂 Samtidig er det en god anledning til at lave et…
My Youtube Vlog

My Youtube Vlog

My Exciting adventure has now begun, so the rest (or at least that’s the plan) of my adventure will be…


Post PCT or (PPCTSD) Post Pacific Crest Trail Stress Disorder 🙂 Getting back to normal life, real life, civilization etc….
Hiking planner

Hiking planner

When I first started planning for my thruhike of the Pacific Crest Trail I went all in and made a…