In case you didn’t know, on September 10th, 2023, I successfully completed the Continental Divide Trail (CDT)! Yeah for me 🙂

You do not know what the CDT is you say? let me give you a brief explanation:

The Continental Divide Trail (CDT) is a challenging long-distance hiking trail that runs for approximately 3,100 miles from the Mexican border in New Mexico to the Canadian border in Montana, passing through five U.S. states: New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. It follows the Continental Divide of the Americas, the line that separates watersheds draining into the Pacific Ocean from those draining into the Atlantic.

Key Highlights:

  1. New Mexico’s Desert: The southernmost section of the CDT takes hikers through New Mexico’s arid landscape. This region is known for its scorching hot desert conditions, where temperatures can soar above 100°F, and water sources are scarce. Hikers must be prepared to carry extra water and face the intense heat, making this a demanding and dehydrating stretch.
  2. San Juan Mountains, Colorado: Further north in Colorado, hikers encounter the San Juan Mountains, where dangerous snow traverses can be a real concern. These high-altitude areas are often snow-covered well into the summer, posing risks of avalanches, post-holing, and slippery paths. The elevation also makes the air thinner, adding to the challenge of the journey.
  3. Beautiful Landscapes: Despite the extreme conditions in certain sections, the CDT offers some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world. From vast deserts and rugged mountain ranges to alpine meadows, remote wilderness, and stunning vistas, the trail’s diversity keeps hikers captivated.
  4. Hiking Community: The CDT is not just about the physical challenge; it’s also about the people. Along the way, you’ll meet fellow thru-hikers, trail angels, and kind locals. The camaraderie and shared experiences on the trail often create lasting friendships, as hikers rely on one another for support and advice.
  5. Glacier National Park: The northernmost section of the trail brings hikers into Glacier National Park in Montana, a crown jewel of the CDT. Known for its towering peaks, pristine lakes, and abundant wildlife, Glacier is a stunning finale to the trek. However, the rugged terrain and frequent bear encounters require caution and preparation.

Hiking the CDT is a remarkable adventure, full of physical and mental challenges, but the rewards are unforgettable views, diverse ecosystems, and a vibrant community of hikers.

OK SORRY that wasn’t brief, but spending 4-6 months on trail isn’t brief either 😉

My initial plan was to do all my video editing and uploading once I got home. However, I managed to optimize my editing and could do it much faster than I had been able to previously. This made it manageable to upload videos whenever I was near working WiFi. 🙂

This also meant that I didn’t really upload pictures to my Instagram, as I was focused on the videos instead. However, some pictures did get published – just not a lot.

So please head over to my Youtube channel if you want to see what happened this year on the CDT, while I was hiking through some pretty amazing trail in Wyoming, Idaho and Montana.

And if you want to watch or rewatch my first attempt of thruhiking the CDT in 2022, you can watch it right here!

And please subscribe and like my videos over on the Youtube 🙂